About hikingroadtrips.com

By weekday I’m a professional graphic designer, mom, gardener, painter, and have yet to meet a hobby that I don’t throw myself into. By weekend, I’m an avid hiker and sometimes even trail rider.

I LOVE planning trips. I go down the rabbit holes, I make detailed itineraries, I find incredible day hikes. Recently, folks have been asking for my hiking/road trip itineraries, so I figured I’d put together hikingroadtrips.com as a way to share my hours of research and trip photography.

We’re a pretty adventurous family, enough so that my mom doesn’t want to know what we’re doing until we’re safely back at the car - so keep in mind that not every hike on this site is good for the casual hiker (many are though). I’ll always list difficulty level and be honest about effort, possible dangers, etc…

If you have questions - feel free to fill out the contact form, if you want to be alerted each time I post a new trip (this is not my fulltime job, it’ll be periodic) you can sign up for my newsletter in the footer below, and if you’re looking for the guide books that I use or simply a good outdoor adventure book to curl up with - checkout my Recommended Books (full disclosure - if you buy through my bookshop.org page, you get to sleep at night knowing that you’re not buying books from Amazon and I get a 10% cut). Lastly, if you want to use an image from this website - please fill out the aforementioned contact form and keep in mind that I own the copyright for all of them as they are my original photographs (down the line I might list prints for sale, stay tuned).